NUGGET 29 – 5 Ways to Become More Productive in Your Career

NUGGET 29 – 5 Ways to Become More Productive in Your Career

NUGGET 29 – 5 Ways to Become More Productive in Your Career 1080 1080 Ayobami Wyse

Hi! I am The Purpose Doctor, and my name is Ayobami Olugbenga-Wyse. I am a purpose-driven peak performance and career clarity coach. I help people map out their career paths with ease and to help them operate in the ideal career they are best built and designed for. Thanks for subscribing to my “Wyse Career Nuggets”, it’s my way to help you create a productive and highly rewarding career.

In the last career nugget, I shared tips on how to sell yourself in less than a minute. Today, I will be highlighting 5 ways to become more productive in your career.

Have you ever driven a car with a faulty dashboard before? Well, I have. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that my fuel gauge was faulty for some days, as I normally would buy enough to take me a couple of weeks. The car suddenly went off and I wondered what the problem was. Alas, a mechanic diagnosed that I had run out of gas. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. The fuel gauge was the issue and I didn’t realize I needed to recalibrate.

This is the situation for many career professionals who are operating on reserve or an empty gas, or who just need to recalibrate to keep moving. Being caught up in plenty of activity doesn’t necessarily guarantee productivity. The car kept moving but the moment I ran out of gas, I couldn’t be productive anymore despite being actively involved. When you mentally, physically, or emotionally shut down, activities may be registered, but productivity is no longer guaranteed. You could be going to work, resuming at your duty post, carrying out your job descriptions but yet maybe highly unproductive.

This is why it’s very necessary as career professionals to frequently and occasionally evaluate and recalibrate our job engagement and job performance levels in order to stay in touch with the game. Here are 5 ways to evaluate and recalibrate career performance and optimization.

Firstly, you must demonstrate a professional attitude at all times. I know you may be unhappy with your job, your boss, your current pay, or with some project tasks at hand, however, this is not about how you feel, but what has to be done. Ensure to set aside your sentiments and express professionalism as much as possible. Understand that whatever you do, you do it for yourself. When you compromise on your standards because of negative energy, there is only one loser at the end of the day, and that is you, my friend.

This leads me to my second point. And this is the need to take your work, job, or profession seriously. Be prompt to work and scheduled meetings, be attentive and observant to things going on around you, and ensure to give your best at all times when called upon. And just because you have decided to move on from an organization, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give your best till the last day and minute you are still bound by a contract.

The third way to become more productive is to embrace feedback. This is the best form of evaluation that helps you recalibrate for career success. Unfortunately, many career professionals detach from feedback. They don’t want to be criticized or appraised, and I wonder how they want to grow? Growth is benchmarked on feedback. You can only improve, adjust, or develop based on your previous evaluated state. So embrace feedback, and go the extra mile to ask for one if it’s not given, and beyond that, ensure to respond to feedback.

The fourth way will be to constantly build capacity, by committing to personal development. You owe yourself the duty and responsibility to learn new things. There is always a room that is never filled up, and that’s the room for improvement. Stretch yourself in your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and make decisions strategically. This way, you can become reliable because you are able to do what you say you would do, and when you say you would do it.

The final way to become more productive in your career, is to stay as fit mentally, physically, and emotionally for your work, job, or profession, depending on what the demands are. Look after your health and wellbeing as much as possible, because a healthy employee is a potentially productive employee who is useful to the growth of the organization they work for. Eat well, rest well, and stay as healthy and fit as you possibly can. Stay as hydrated as possible as this helps the brain to function more effectively.

I hope this has been very helpful. Share this with a friend, family, or colleague who might need this, and anticipate my next nugget. Purchase my new book, “Get Clear On You Career Path…know what you are best built and designed to do” and You can also book a FREE 30mins career clarity and coaching call at and feel free to follow me on my social media handles @ayobamiwyse to learn more.

Remember, all we do is win, and it always pays to be wyse.