NUGGET 27 – How Potential Employers Can Take You More Seriously

NUGGET 27 – How Potential Employers Can Take You More Seriously

NUGGET 27 – How Potential Employers Can Take You More Seriously 1080 1080 Ayobami Wyse

Hi! I am The Purpose Doctor, and my name is Ayobami Olugbenga-Wyse. I am a purpose-driven peak performance and career clarity coach. I help people map out their career paths with ease and to help them operate in the ideal career they are best built and designed for. Thanks for subscribing to my “Wyse Career Nuggets”, it’s my way to help you create a productive and highly rewarding career.

In the last career nugget, I shared tips on how to build great career networks. Today, I will be showing elements that make potential employers take you seriously.

As a young lad in the university back in the days, there were elements ladies looked out for before considering you a potential suitor. Beyond arguably the most common element being a car that could woo a campus girl, there were more subtle elements they paid critical attention to and believed revealed how settled or comfortable you are. In no particular order, they noticed your fragrance and how well you smell, the next would be your footwear, and the third would be your wristwatch. The general impression about this is that you could cook up looking good, but you ideally go out of your way to invest in those key elements I just mentioned.

This is very similar for career professionals as well. There are general things we can cook up so well, like our resumes, CVs, application letters, degrees, etc but there are more critical elements that will give out the real essence of who you are, what you can bring to the table, and how you could be a great addition to their organization. These elements my friend are what potential employers hardly resist and have no choice but to take you more seriously.

There are many career professionals who often fall into the underqualified and overqualified job hunt brackets. You must understand that the job and employment market is gradually evolving past the regulars of your degrees, school of study, resumes, application letters, and all. They are all great add-ons no doubt, however, you might need to shift your focus into more sellable avenues that position way better. I often tell people that I may respect what you know but I am more impressed about what you can do because reputation is built on accomplishments and not on mere desires.

The first element will be to create a great social profile of yourself. Be mindful about your social media presence and what impressions and ideas can be communicated through them. Your choice of profile avatars, your bio, and your social media engagements all matter. If you must have a faceless account to indulge your excesses, then go ahead my friend. However, you can’t afford to jeopardize potential opportunities. Constantly post relevant contents that sell you as a brand based on the solutions you provide or can provide. More importantly and above all social media platforms, you must have a well-built and optimized LinkedIn page. Seek the help of a professional to help build one, and maximize the potentials that abound with having one.

Another element that will go a long way to position you so well, is the need to be actively registered and engaged with at least two associations and networks. These could be physical or virtual networks, but they must be groups that match and promote your core career interests. Many people are not in any, and for some who are, they are more like benchwarmers who offer no input. You will be doing to yourself a great disservice and injustice to your potential career opportunities. Constantly ask intelligent questions, and offer bright ideas, as these will help make you noticeable and recommendable. Have it at the back of your mind that someone is paying attention even if they aren’t saying anything yet. For many, they want to test if you are some flash in the pan or a true definition of the kind of person that you are.

Finally, a very important element that set you apart is what Dan Miller cited in his book, “48 days to the work you love”. It’s called the “elevator speech”. An elevator speech is a summary of “what” you are and not “who” you are, but more from the functionality point of view and not just from the position point of view. It’s a speech that focuses on your unique value proposition or selling point as a career professional. For example, when career professionals are asked to introduce themselves, they would commonly say I am an accountant, banker, teacher, etc. However, there are many accountants, bankers, and teachers out there! So. What makes you different?

This is why you can’t afford to miss the next nugget where I will be sharing tips on how to create an amazing elevator speech that will make heads turn and elicit the right conversation and engagement.

You must take these elements seriously if you also want potential job suitors and employers to take you seriously as well. You must improve on things that will make you a more viable candidate in today’s workplace.

I hope this has been very helpful. Share this with a friend, family, or colleague who might need this, and anticipate my next nugget. Purchase my new book, “Get Clear On You Career Path…know what you are best built and designed to do” and You can also book a FREE 30mins career clarity and coaching call at and feel free to follow me on my social media handles @ayobamiwyse to learn more.

Remember, all we do is win, and it always pays to be wyse.