NUGGET 23 – Your Career Success Starts With Your Mind

NUGGET 23 – Your Career Success Starts With Your Mind

NUGGET 23 – Your Career Success Starts With Your Mind 1080 1080 Ayobami Wyse

Hi! I am The Purpose Doctor, and my name is Ayobami Olugbenga-Wyse. I am a purpose-driven peak performance and career clarity coach. I help people map out their career paths with ease and to operate in the ideal career they are best built and designed for. Thanks for subscribing to my “Wyse Career Nuggets”, it’s my way to help you create a productive and highly rewarding career.

In the last career nugget, I shared on the importance of resuming at your right duty post. Today, I will be sharing how your career success starts with your mind.

Computer science was one of my favorite electives ever taken back in the higher institution, and one of my most loved topics was programming. I enjoyed the part that had to do with writing programming instructions and watching them play out. It’s what most academic institutions teach in coding and robotics these days. It was as simple as writing an algorithm of instructions that a program had to follow for execution and success. The success of the program was dependent on the data that was imputed, and this tells me one thing my friend, that the success of our lives is a reflection of what we permit, and that we get out what we put in.

We often get the order wrong and always feel that there is something we need to do on the outside to get the results we truly desire. We try to acquire more and more certifications, work with some prestigious organization, or earn a certain amount of pay to cover up our inadequacies sometimes. The gospel is, success begins from inside out and not from outside in. This is why you can put a man with an average mentality at the helms of affairs of a great company and he will run the company to the level and capacity of his mind, and on the other hand, you can taka man with an excellent and achievers mentality and place him in charge of a company on the verge of collapse, and he will turn it into a success in a matter time.

The real challenge most times isn’t with external acquisition but with the internal reprogramming of our minds my friend. There are some patterns, systems, and beliefs that we have immortalized as a result of our backgrounds, experiences, exposures, or actions that need to be altered and reconfigured before we can begin to experience the career success we have truly desired. For example it’s possible for your mind to never conceive a level of success simply because of your belief about a certain status of academic institution you attended, or a pattern of failure that has become a norm for you, or an amount of money that you cannot see beyond.

There has to be a reconfiguration of your mind which we call a MINDSET shift, which impacts on your ATTITUDE, which further reflects in your BEHAVIOUR, which leads to certain habitual ACTIONS that produces certain kinds of RESULTS and PERFORMANCES. This means that if you aren’t a fan of your level of performances, then you need to work first on your MIND, which will influence your ATTITUDE to work and become evident in your BEHAVIOUR and characteristics, and ultimately changes the way you do things and guarantees great results and performances.

It’s important to do an audit of your mental state and the condition of your mind. Ask yourself if you have a GROWTH mindset or a FIXED mindset my friend. For example we can have two employees and employee “A” take failure as a limitation of abilities, while employee “B” takes failure as an opportunity to grow. One can say to himself, “I am either good at it or not” while the other says that “I can learn to do anything I want” or one employee decides to stick to what he knows and another always likes to try new things. We can see here that it’s obvious that one employee has a GROWTH mindset and the other has a FIXED mindset.

How do you know if you are fixed minded or growth minded? Ask yourself a few questions.

·         Pay attention to your words and what you are saying. The first step in becoming aware of how you think is by keeping tab of what you say. Check your language daily and especially when you are faced with difficult situations.

·         Check your associations. Who do you constantly surround yourself with? Have you limited yourself by the associations you keep?

·         Check your ambitious status. How much do you dare to dream? Do you see opportunities more than you see limitations?

·         How grateful are you? Growth minded people practice the gratitude walk of always seeing the positives in every situation. They always identify at least one thing to always be grateful for.

You see, the mind can never function beyond the capacity it has been built to operate. Many people desire a gigabyte size of career success and want to fit it into a megabyte sized mind. It can’t work! You can only BECOME what you BELIEVE. Some employees cannot imagine certain levels of career success and achievements, because of what their minds have settled for unconsciously.

If you truly want to succeed in your career, it can only happen from within, and this means you must stretch, reconfigure, and reprogram your mind my friend. You must deal with LIMITING BELIEFS. The truth is, only you know what those limiting beliefs are, and only you can talk yourself out of it. The next nugget will center on how to address career limiting beliefs so you can begin to live a more fulfilling and rewarding career

I hope this has been very helpful. Share this with a friend, family, or colleague who might need this, and anticipate the next nugget. You can also book a FREE 30mins career clarity and coaching call at and feel free to follow me on my social media handles @ayobamiwyse to learn more.

Remember, all we do is win, and it always pays to be wyse.