NUGGET 22 – Are You At Your Duty Post?

NUGGET 22 – Are You At Your Duty Post?

NUGGET 22 – Are You At Your Duty Post? 1080 1080 Ayobami Wyse

Hi! I am The Purpose Doctor, and my name is Ayobami Olugbenga-Wyse. I am a purpose-driven peak performance and career clarity coach. I help people map out their career paths with ease and to operate in the ideal career they are best built and designed for. Thanks for subscribing to my “Wyse Career Nuggets”, it’s my way to help you create a productive and highly rewarding career.

In the last career nugget, I shared hacks on the importance of developing a career blueprint for success. Today, I will be asking you just one question my friend, are you at your duty post?

I remember employing a security man some years back who hardly stayed at his duty post. He would often make an excuse or two about his absence from his duty post. What made it annoying wasn’t just his absence but the fact that he hardly notified anyone about his whereabouts. We often felt gutted about the fact that he was paid for a job to open the gates when required and man the gates as expected but was just not hardly around. We eventually had to relieve him of his duties and replaced him in no time. If I were to ask you if our actions to let him go were well justified, I am sure you would agree with it and the fact that he has been ineffective and inefficient. However, can I toss the same question back to you in retrospect? So, are you at your duty post too my friend?

By this, I mean are you functioning where you are naturally built and designed to function and perform? Or are you just simply passing time and going with the flow, and however the wind leads?

Permit me to take you back to the genesis of having a job, work, or a profession. The first man Adam was created and you would have thought all he had to do was just sit and gist with his maker or while away time. But guess what, right after creation, God gave him work to do. Do you know why? You were made for a purpose and every purpose has an assignment attached to it, and the fabric of that assignment is laced with work. No wonder even your idle mind is a workshop and playground for the devil.

So, the moment Adam was created, God coming down to gist with him in the cool of the day, was God saying to him, “you know what? there is time for everything and the work I have placed in your hands is equally as important to me as it is to you”. In order words my friend, God is interested in the work, job, profession, and career. He doesn’t expect you to play with work time.

I know you would say to me, Wyse I do my job, I keep to my job description. But can I burst your bubble a little? Activity isn’t validation for productivity. Being busy isn’t equal to being effective or efficient. So, when God came down in the cool of the day to talk with Adam, he knew he expected him to be at his duty post, and functioning effectively and efficiently as expected.

We are expected to function on not just any job, career, or profession, but the one we are originally built and designed for. And just the way I got upset with the security man who was hardly at his duty post, is similar to you operating in a job that isn’t your business. This is why at the end of time, what will be tested is not just the works of your hands but your GOOD WORKS!

This means that good work is only certified when you have resumed at the right duty post my friend. Just imagine you swapping jobs with his friend, and you resumed at their office while they resumed at yours. You both won’t be paid even if you carried out the functions effectively. As silly as that scenario is, it’s such a big deal to function where you should and not where you think you should. There is a thin line between what is right and what is expected. Doing what is right isn’t enough, but doing what is expected is what gets you a good appraisal.

You aren’t here to while away time, but to identify what the ideal career path you are best designed and built to function is, and resume at your duty post. Remember the men in the great books who said master I did this and I did that but yet they were rebuked? That’s because the right judge of what’s good or bad isn’t an activity, but meeting expectations. Your boss doesn’t care if you did a few right things, he is only concerned if, in the end, you have met predefined goals and objectives my friend. So, more importantly, are you at your duty post today? Not just the job you are doing but the job you should be doing.

All I am saying is, should you be in the health sector but you are currently in finance? Should you be in education but you have been stuck in entertainment, or should you be in entertainment and you are just passing time in finance? Don’t wait till you are long gone and frustrated to validate your career path, job, or profession. Get to work on the right job, resuming at the right duty post as soon as possible.

I hope this has been very helpful. Share this with a friend, family, or colleague who might need this, and anticipate the next nugget where I will share thoughts on your first step to career success. You can also book a FREE 30mins career clarity and coaching call at and feel free to follow me on my social media handles @ayobamiwyse to learn more.

Remember, all we do is win, and it always pays to be wyse.